Cultural- Sighthseeing Walks Cultural- Sighthseeing Walks Pubblicato il: 21 aprile 2009 Ultima revisione: 1 luglio 2014 Condividi Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Azioni Stampa Invia The Green Thread-Ancient Catania, the Greek, Roman and Bizantine Age The Orange Thread- Catania from theMiddle Ages to the 1669 eruption The Red Thread- Catania reconstruded The Purple Thread- Catania from the 1800s to the present day The Blue Thread- Catania and the sea The Silver Thread- Catania and its culture The Golden Thread- Catania S.Agatha Feast download the Map, PDF format (Kb 192) Ariadne's Thread Copyright Giuseppe Maimone Publisher Catania Texts: M. Teresa Di Blasi Photo: A. Garozzo, F.lli Rubino, F. Troina